Monday, March 30, 2020

Remote Learning Week 2

The End Of Aladdin! Here is a video of me continuing our read aloud. Enjoy!
You will notice this is a Swivl link instead of an embedded YouTube video. Great Hearts is no longer allowing YouTube for liability reasons. So expect swivl links from now on.

Language Arts: For spelling this week, I would like you to practice

phonograms at home each day for a few minutes. Then we will review old spelling words by using them correctly in a sentence. For literature, you will begin Little House on the Prairie! If you have your copy of the book, read from there rather than the packet. Its more fun that way! There is an optional craft included as well. Make sure you also read 20 minutes a day. Choose any book you like for that! On Wednesday, after you read your book, go ahead and write a 5 sentence summary for me so I can know about what you are reading.

Math: We will work on math facts and review area this week. If you need any help with the area problems, feel free to reach out to us!

History: Students will be reading chapters 1 and 2 of the 13 Colonies! They will be discovering facts on the initial establishment of the Virginia Colony which was the first of the 13 English Colonies in America. In these chapters they will be able to explain why the colonists left England and traveled across the dangerous Atlantic Ocean, as well as explain the difficulties the colonists met in this new world for them. How did they learn to survive? What food and shelter did they have available to them? Locate the geographic location of the 13 colonies and why were they probably located where they were in America?

Science: We will be continuing our Ecology unit. Students should read the day’s given chapter and use text evidence to answer each question in a complete sentence expressing a complete thought.