Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Helpful Resources, again.

Hello All,
I emailed these links out last week, but wanted to post them here so that they are easy to find.

This is our math facts program that students complete in school. I would encourage you to have your child engage with this program daily to keep their facts sharp. They can access it through the family computer, iPad, or cell phone with internet access. Many of you enrolled when we sent out the parent access paperwork earlier this year. If you need me to resend that to you, I absolutely can. Just let me know! Also, please have your child do Xtra Math every day, if not only once a week. Thanks!

Typing Quest
Our students practice typing 20 minutes weekly and this is something that they can complete at home on the family computer. Students already know their log-in credentials.  The website is:

Older grade levels utilize Kahn Academy weekly in place of math centers. I have gone ahead and created a class account for us to use as a supplementary resource during this time. The students can watch instruction videos and then take quizzes. Our course incudes both 3rd grade math and grammar. The link to access our class is as follows:

Let me know what questions you have and how I can support you!