Saturday, January 4, 2020

Quarter 3 Week 1

Field Trip:

Third grade will be visiting the Musical Instrument Museum on

January 27th. Permission slips will go out this week and will be

due back the Friday beforehand. Be on the lookout for an email

requesting volunteer chaperones. You must have a valid fingerprint

clearance card to be considered.

Language Arts: We will begin memorizing parts of a new

poem this week, The Adventures of Isabel. Recitations will

be in two weeks. We jump back into spelling as normal.

We will begin discussing explanatory writing. Finally, we

begin our new novel, The Trumpet of the Swan. Students

must bring in their copy as soon as possible as we begin

Monday with Chapter 1 or very soon thereafter.

Math: This week we will come back and introduce probability

briefly. There will be a short assessment on Wednesday after

math groups to check for understanding. Then we will begin

our fraction unit. We need parent volunteers every week for

math groups. Please consider helping out :)

History: Students will do a quick review of some key details

related to the Roman Empire, then continue the study of the

causes of the Roman Empire’s decline in the West. They will

also read about Emperor Constantine and the changes that

he instituted in Roman civilization, as well as the differences

between the Eastern Empire and Western Empires. This will

conclude this Unit of study and by the end of the week third

graders will be introduced to our next Unit of study on the

Vikings. This Germanic/Scandinavian civilization took hold

after the void left after the weakening Roman Empire in the

west. This study will begin with a discussion of how we learn

about ancient History through the science of Archeology

and related vocabulary.

Science: This week we will be learning about Sound! Students will learn what causes sound and how sound travels.