Sunday, January 27, 2019

Quarter 3 Week 4

A Day for Friendship - Thursday, February 14th is Great Hearts Day! We have reserved this special day to focus on the virtue of friendship and celebrate the traits that make a great-hearted student. Teachers are planning interactive and fun activities centered around these topics, and time will be set aside for students to create hand-made Great Hearts Day cards for their classmates. Archway Arete strives to cultivate a rich, academic environment rooted in the classical tradition. This many times requires popular culture to be left at the door. On that note, students will not be permitted to bring store-bought valentines, candy, or gifts to school. Thank you for partnering with us.

February Virtue of the Month

This month's new virtue is friendship. To practice friendship all month long, I will be instituting a Kindness Challenge. Be on the lookout for this on Friday the 1st!

Field day!
Athletic Field Day is Friday, February 1st from 8:30-11:00 for K-2 classes and from

12:00-2:30 for grades 3-5! Each year classes are assigned a Greek City State for their

team. This year, your child’s team is Croton, and our team color is yellow. Your child may

wear a plain yellow shirt (no logos) other than class section or Greek City State and athletic

pants or shorts. There will be no school lunch offered on Athletic Field Day. Please

send your child to school with a packed lunch. We will be eating in the classroom.

Volunteers for Athletic Field Day

In order to have Athletic Field Day run smoothly, we need your help! Coach Gethings &

Coach Warren need volunteers setting up and running the event. Please sign up at to help with the events. We

need a few volunteers for class to help with donating a cooler and snacks, and tagging along to all the events as extra supervision/support. Please email me directly if you are able to volunteer with 3B.

Math Groups:
We are always looking for parent volunteers on Wednesday for Math Groups. This is a pretty fun and easy way to get involved in the classroom. It runs on Wednesdays from 7:50-8:40, with the hope that parents can come in before they go to work. The class is set up in 6 groups with 3 activities. There is usually a game to oversee, and two content focused activities for students to practice. Each parent and teacher is typically in charge of one activity the whole time, while the students rotate through. This doesn't require you to teach or even feel super confident in your own math skills. It is an opportunity for students to collaborate together and practice. I hope some of you can join us this Wednesday! If you are able, please sign up using this link:

Subject Update

Language Arts

We will continue The Trumpet of the Swan this week. Spelling will be typical, with a test on Friday. Writing and grammar will focus on informational writing as we finish our essay on the Titanic. We will continue to work with prepositions and memorize the list together. Students will review their stanzas to memorize Father William. The recitations will be on Feb. 6.


We will be working with fractions on a number line, fractions of money, and adding/subtracting them. On Friday we will take a test on these skills.


This week we will be learning about light. Students will learn how light travels and how shadows are formed.


We will take our Vikings assessment on Monday. Then we will begin our Earliest Americans unit. We will see how the earliest Americans crossed the Beringia Land Bridge and then learn about the Inuit people.