Monday, April 20, 2020

Remote Learning Week 5

Language Arts: For spelling this week, I would like you to practice phonograms at home each day for a few minutes. Then we will have 15 new spelling words. Be careful and watch the lesson videos in our google classroom. For literature, you will continue Little House on the Prairie! We will have a grammar review lesson this week on Tuesday, so that next week we can learn something new. For writing, we will be reading an old Native American legend, and writing a summary. I think you will really enjoy the story!

Math: This week, we begin a new unit on Length. We start with the metric units of meters and centimeters. Don’t forget to complete XtraMath every day!

History: We will be learning about the exciting times in Jamestown, as we read Chapter 4 of our history textbook. As enrichment, there is optional reading about Powhatan and the English.

Science: We will continue to learn about the Solar System and the four gas/ice giants
within our solar system. Students should read the given passage to answer the
two questions. They will have an optional worksheet using their reading to list
features of each gas/ice giant and color them accordingly. Last week’s worksheet
with the rocky planets colored may be used.