Monday, February 17, 2020


Language Arts: We have no spelling this week because it is short 
and because we want to focus on writing a bit. We have completed 
three explanatory essays and this week will encounter opinion 
writing. Finally, we continue reading The Little Prince. 

Math: We will be completing the time unit. There will be a 
cumulative test on Thursday. We need parent volunteers
 every week for Wednesday math partner/groups. Please
 consider helping out :) and sign up in the sign up genius. 

History: Students will be identifying and comparing the Native 
American tribes of the Southwestern United States: Apache, 
Commanche, Hopi, Zuni, Navajo and Pueblo. Also recognizing
 the changes between these and their ancestral Pueblo cliff dwellers.  

Science: Students will learn more about light and color. They will
 also explore different parts of the eye and understand how the eye works.