Sunday, January 26, 2020

Quarter 3 week 4

Field Trip is Monday to the MIM! Students should wear their school uniforms and pack a sack lunch and throw away water bottle with their name sharpied on the front.

Field Day is on Friday in the afternoon. We need two coolers and a few volunteers! Students should wear a yellow shirt and athletic bottoms and shoes. We are the Croton city state.

Language Arts: We will have a condensed week of spelling. We will be Creating a final draft of a three paragraph essay on the Titanic. Finally, we continue our  novel, The Trumpet of the Swan.

Math: This week we will be working on fractions of a set and money fraction. There will be a unit test on Friday. We need parent 
volunteers every week for math groups on Wednesday. Please consider helping out :) and sign up in the sign up genius.!/showSignUp/5080a4da4a629a1fa7-wednesday

History: In History this week our students will be completing their study of the Vikings and review material in class for an open note assessment on Thursday. Our next unit will be an investigation of many early explorers. 

Science: This week students will review and prepare a study guide for their upcoming sound quiz.