Saturday, November 23, 2019

Quarter 2 Week 7

Spelling Bee:

Our 3B spelling bee champion is Ayden P. Our Runner-up is Avery V. There were some really TOUGH words on the list this year and everyone did their absolute best! I am proud of our scholars.

Language Arts: We will continue reading Narnia this week. No new Spalding spelling words for these next two days. We will be reciting The First Thanksgiving of All by Nancy Byrd Turner in celebration of Thanksgiving.

Math: For these next two days students will continue working with money skills that requires lining up decimal points in money amounts before completing computations such as addition and subtraction. There will be a short Money quiz on Tuesday.

History: Students will be completing their study of the the two Caesars: Julius and Cleopatra and Augustus Ceasar. They will also be completing a study guide in class covering information related to the two Ceasars. There will be an open note test on the Thursday after Thanksgiving break.

Science: Students will begin learning about their nervous system with a fun experiment!